Logotipo de Grupo HYS Us

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Your opinion is valuable to us. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.

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We have offices in the United States, Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala.

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(904) 536-3777

Contact Us

Grupo HyS US is the SOLUTION that our clients need for their Residences, Offices, hotels, Commerce and Industry. We have a wide catalog of specialized services in different areas, we are your strategic ally.
“Hacemos lo imposible posible”.


Somos una empresa outsourcing y brindamos el servicio de asistencia migratoria para la movilidad y traslado de trabajadores guatemaltecos. Formamos parte del cambio social de Guatemala con el fin de erradicar la migración ilegal y apoyar las leyes migratorias de USA.
Nos enfocamos en crear vínculos de trabajo con empleadores Americanos. Le abrimos las puertas para contratar migrantes legales bajo el programa de VISAS H2A/H2B.

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